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Stream: Grace and Frankie (Seasons 1 & 2)

I hate writing negative reviews, but in this case, I felt I should spare you 13 hours of streaming a crappy show when you could be spending those valuable binge watching hours on a show worthy of your free time. 

Grace and Frankie is a Netflix original series that debuted in 2015. The show stars Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen. A great cast, no? 

August 26, 2016

Stream: Mozart In The Jungle (Seasons 1 & 2)

This summer I have been streaming up a storm. I've already watched Bloodline (Season 2), Orange is the New Black (Season 4) and Catastrophe (Seasons 1 & 2). When I finished Catastrophe I was itching for another show to start right away.

August 16, 2016

Stream: Catastrophe (Seasons 1 & 2)

One of the best things about summer is being able to finally check out all the shows you've been reading about or hearing about from family, friends and coworkers. Most of the popular fall TV shows are on hiatus all summer, giving all of us binge watchers plenty of time to stream in June, July and August. 

August 2, 2016

Stream: Orange Is The New Black (Season 4)

On Friday, June 17th the fourth season of Orange is the New Black was released on Netflix. In case you need a refresher on where we left off with our Litchfield inmates, here is my recap of season three. 

July 14, 2016

Stream: Bloodline, Season 2

On Friday, May 27th Netflix released season 2 of "Bloodline," their thriller set in the Florida Keys. For the past week I've spent at least one hour a night watching new episodes and last night I finally finished! 

For those who aren't familiar, "Bloodline" stars Kyle Chandler, a.k.a. Coach Eric Taylor from "Friday Night Lights," as one of five siblings untangling a mess of lies about his family. 

*SPOILER ALERT! Please do not read on if you do not want to know anything about season 1 or season 2 of the show.*

June 3, 2016

Stream: The People vs. O.J. Simpson

This past weekend I devoured all 10 episodes of the FX mini-series "The People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story." When the murders were committed in June of 1994, I was in the fourth grade. I remember certain things like the live stream from the court room being on TV, the constant mentions of the white Ford Bronco and I really remember all of the scrunity around Marcia Clark's attitude and appearance.

April 12, 2016

Stream: The Affair

Last spring at a dinner with friends one of my favorite couples recommended that I start watching "The Affair" on Showtime. Unfortunately I don't have that channel as part of my cable package, so I got to work researching where else I could watch the show online. Without a "Showtime Anytime" login, I decided to download season one on iTunes. 

April 5, 2016

Stream: Younger

In February as I was preparing for my Miami trip, I asked a friend for her recommendations on what to download for the plane. This particular friend is a pop culture expert and I have loved every show, movie and book she has ever recommended to me. Whenever I question something she suggests, she fires back, "Have I ever steered you wrong?" Nope, not once.

March 29, 2016

Academy Awards 2016: Best And Worst Dressed

My birthday excluded, Oscar night is my favorite night of the year. I love the glitz, the glamour, the prestige, the tradition and the ability to mercilessly judge the fashion from the comfort of my couch. 

This year the Oscars were all about Chris Rock's commentary, Mad Max's sweep and Leo's long overdue win. But before all that went down, the main event happened outside the theater. The real competition takes place on the red carpet. 

February 28, 2016

Stream: Transparent, Season 2

Two Decembers ago my mom and I watched all of the first season of "Transparent" in two days (you can read my review here). We could have done it in one sitting, but we felt guilty holing ourselves up in the den while my dad was left alone in the other room. 

January 27, 2016

Golden Globe Awards 2016: Best and Worst Dressed

Last night the Golden Globes kicked off the 2016 awards season. This is my favorite time of year.

The Golden Globes are particularly fun for a few reasons:

1) They usually have a comedian host for the evening 

2) They let the attendees drink, which often leads to hilarious speeches later in the night

3) It honors the best of television and movies so you get to see all your favorite starts in one place

January 10, 2016
Photo of Modern Family's Sarah Hyland.

Emmy Awards 2015: Best And Worst Dressed

Official "awards season" is January through March (Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild, Grammys, Oscars), but every September we get to enjoy one outlier, the Emmys.

The timing of the Emmy Awards is kind of perfect because it aligns with the return of all our favorite fall shows. While we can't really remember the specific performances or episodes being referenced in the clips for the nominees, it does make us excited to dive back into a new season.

September 21, 2015