Grey's Anatomy: Freak Outs

Last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy was a bit all over the place. It was a strange mix of extreme patient stories, freak outs, fatal illness and shower sex.

The hour begins with a woman being rushed into the ER after her car was broken into. The doctors discover a tattoo on her leg from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Just as they are trying to piece her injuries together, they realize they need to do emergency surgery and her stomach gushes with blood. I am talking a geiser, shooting straight up.

That patient, Melissa, was living in her car. Turns out she was storing everything in there - her clothes, her cash, all her savings. Owen suggests she reach out to Veteran's Services about housing, but she resists. Ultimately he says, "You will listen to me because I outrank you." Once they connected, one veteran to another, he was able to sincerely help her. I miss the nurturing side of Owen.

Across the hospital, Bailey's patient comes in thinking he has acid reflux and it turns out he has a cancerous tumor. She does everything she can to save him, but it doesn't work and he dies on the table. She has such guilt and anxiety about her own health as a result that she tries to go for a run and winds up sore for the whole next day. She also runs labs on her own blood and saliva. Better than WebMD!

Also this hour, Dr. Kepner's mother comes to visit. April isn't really into her mom being around, so Jackson winds up going with her mother to register for baby gifts and get furniture and paint for their nursery. At one point, April screams at her mom, "I don't want your help! Don't you understand?" Her mother looked like she had just been stabbed.

Eventually April apologizes to her mom and to Jackson. Her apology to Jackson made me remember that she left another man at the alter for him.

Back at Derek and Meredith's, Derek wants to invite Maggie over for dinner. He then decides to also include the Chief. Uh oh.

Meredith does not like that idea one bit and shouts, "I have to have dinner with a sister I don't know and the bio-dad she hates because you gave up your chance to work for Obama? You gonna play that card? Of course you are!" Derek responds with this plea, "Zola needs more black people in the family because I'm running out of ways to braid her hair and Bailey won't show me anymore."

Right before the Chief and Maggie arrive, Derek and Meredith hop in the shower together for some very steamy  . . . well, you know. Their guests arrive and wind up waiting out on the terrace. Whoops.

The most unexpected story line of all involved Dr. Herman and Arizona. First Dr. Herman (angry Geena Davis) humiliates Arizona in front of everyone in the ER, then Arizona confesses to Alex, "I traded my marriage for this job and it's pretty much all I have right now, so it has to work. I need it to work," and then finally, Dr. Herman drops this bomb, "I'll be dead in six months. I have a brain tumor. It's inoperable." This is like a Spanish telenovela! What the heck just happened?!

Before I talk about the previews for next week, can we discuss the weird fading from color to black and white throughout the episode? That was crazy distracting. Anyone else think so too?

In the previews for next Thursday's episode it's Shepard vs. Shepard in the battle for head of neurosurgery. Now this is the kind of sibling rivalry I tune in for!

*Images courtesy of the Grey's Anatomy Facebook page.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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