90210: Schemes and Avatar Dreams

For the first 45 minutes of this week's episode of 90210 I was convinced I was going to start this post like this:

"I am starting to feel like a broken record. How many times can I say - I hate the cousin Emily plot! Why would Annie's friends and her boyfriend ever believe this newcomer over her?"

Thankfully the writers finally heard my plea and brought down cousin Emily in a perfectly executed scheme! Bravo, Annie and Liam! Enjoy Arkansas, psycho.

Speaking of psycho, vapid Adriana tormented Silver all episode by trying to blame Navid's infidelity on Lila (welcome back, by the way, Lila) in an attempt to crack Silver. It finally worked and Silver came clean. As if I didn't already loathe Adriana, she sends a naked picture of Silver, Gossip Girl style, to the entire school. Dear lord.

Also in the "Dear Lord" category: amazing, fun, charming Raj has terminal cancer? Really, writers? Just when Ivy finally hooks up with someone who understands her, who helps her escape her harsh reality, you give him a fatal disease? Dislike.

The brightest spot in tonight's episode was the Naomi and Max story line. I too recently chased after a nerd, so I can relate. Though I never covered myself in blue body paint, I understand wanting to find a way to relate to someone, even if it feels extreme. Yes, I am waxing philosophical about 90210.

I loved the Naomi/Max make out, but not as much as I loved the final scene where they walked down the school hallway in opposite directions, each with their own friends, and smiled uncontrollably wide when they locked eyes. Cute!

Can we also take a moment to acknowledge Snoop Dogg's cameo in this episode? Sick.

In previews for next week the gang heads to Mexico for Spring Break and apparently Naomi and Max wind up in bed together. This should be good!


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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