Grey's Anatomy: Little Buddha

Last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy was the last new one we'll see until Thursday January 29th! Can you believe it? Where did 2014 go?

This hour Maggie, Meredith and Derek are arguing over a patient in need of both heart surgery and brain surgery. The tension between Mer and Der continues to build for the entire episode until the final scene where Meredith pushes him into accepting the job in Washington D.C. I'm not a fan of this "pull rank" version of Derek. Where's the original McDreamy we all fell in love with?

Across the hospital, Callie and Owen continue their work with veterans in need of limbs. Two of their patients are enjoying competing against each other for milestones until one falls, hits his head and suffers a massive bleed. Could Callie have one single thing go her way this year? Just one.

Later on in an on call room, Arizona walks in on Dr. Herman having sex with her fellowship rival, Graham. That was unexpected!

Arizona sneakily gets her hands on Dr. Hermans's x-rays and asks Amelia for an expert opinion. Turns out, Amelia thinks she can remove the tumor. I wonder if Dr. Herman would fire Arizona once she'd be relieved of the pressure of only have a few months left.

The big news of the night resulted from April's ultrasound. In an awkward turn of events, Stephanie has to conduct the ultrasound. While doing so, she accidentally mentions the sex of the baby (a boy). She also notices something abnormal. She checks with both Arizona and Dr. Herman and they agree the baby has a bone disease that could keep it from living beyond a few days or weeks.

In the hallway, Jackson overhears Dr. Herman talking to Stephanie about the ultrasound and the "Little Buddha" baby. I sincerely hope Stephanie finds a way to down play this and keep it from Jackson. He and April will be heart broken.

At the close of the episode, Meredith experiences a wave of flashbacks. I am not sure what purpose that was supposed to serve. Anyone?

Don't be sad that you won't have a new episode of Grey's Anatomy to watch next week because next Thursday is Thanksgiving!

*Image source.


Molly Galler

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