The Mindy Project: Ophthalmologist Office

"The Mindy Project" is without question that best part about Tuesday. Before this show, Tuesday didn't have anything going for it.

Unfortunately, this season's premiere (featuring Diamond Dan) is still the best episode. This week's episode, called "Slipped," tackles a serious relationship issue. I would say what it is, but I can't.

The episode opens with Mindy talking about how romantic Danny can be. Like when he offers her a second piece of apple pie after dinner. Then Mindy asks him a question that further proves she is my spirit animal, "Danny, how can something as disgusting as an apple, make something as delicious as apple pie?"

Soon after, we see Danny give Mindy a gold necklace. She then asks, "Did you also happen to remember my nose hair trimmer?" What? No woman would ever let a guy know she uses something like that, let alone use it in his apartment! I was hiding behind my couch cushion.

Back at the office, the Peter vs. Jeremy feud continues. Tamra informs Jeremy that she's "Hashtag Team Peter." She actually says the word "hashtag" out loud. Why do I find that so funny?

Morgan bursts into the break room and gripes that no one from the office came to his graduation from nurse practitioner school. He says to Mindy, "You've changed. You always promised me you'd never be one of those girls who ditches her best friend the minute they get a boyfriend," to which she fires back, "I would never promise that! All I have wanted in my life is to abandon all my friends for a boyfriend!"

Mindy decides to confide in Peter about Danny's sexual desires. He claims he "slipped" but Peter tells Mindy he definitely did not slip. She storms into Danny's office and he pleads, "Believe me. Just believe me. I believe you all the time. I believe that you floss. I believe that your gym is closed for a multi-year remodel." Ha!

Backed into a corner, Danny blames his "slip" on his failing eye sight. With that, Mindy decides to take him to the eye doctor, who reveals that his eye sight is perfect. Mindy then shouts the best line of the night:

"I will not be slut shamed in an ophthalmologist's office!" 

I said this last week, but I still think the Mindy/Danny dynamic is quickly overtaking my ability to care about the other characters. I just want to watch the two of them duke it out every week.

What did you think of this week's episode?

*Images courtesy of The Mindy Project Facebook page.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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