Read: I Want To Hold Your Hand

Finding a great new book is like making a thrilling discovery. As soon as you're sure the work is excellent, you can't wait to tell all your fellow bookworms about the gem you've uncovered.

Imagine that feeling, but layer on top of it the pride of knowing the author is one of your friends.

That's what happened to me while reading "I Want to Hold Your Hand," a young adult novel penned by one of my best friends, Stephanie Blackburn.

I was privileged to read the first draft of the book before it was ever published. I printed it as a Word document and took it on my plane ride to Israel, making notes as I flew across the globe.

When I came home I couldn't wait to give Stephanie my copy. A few months later, in honor of her 30th birthday, she decided to self-publish the book.

Once it was ready to go and available on Amazon, I ordered my copy. I squealed the day it arrived. I ripped open the box and it was right on top, shiny and new.

And there was her name, in big, beautiful font across the cover.

It's hard to describe the overwhelming feeling of knowing your friend has realized her dream. There in my hand, all 468 pages, was what she always wanted.

Of course, the next time I saw her, I forced her to sign my copy.

So I know what you're thinking, "Is this book any good?" Well, I asked Stephanie to give me back the copy I made my original notes on in anticipation of writing this post and here is what I wrote on the airplane after I finished reading, "Stephanie, I think this is your best writing yet. These are the most developed, relatable, round characters. What I found most cool about this was that you always had me guessing." My notes go on, but I don't want to ruin it for you.

What you should know is that "I Want to Hold Your Hand" is the story of Penny and Will. Penny is a teenager, uncomfortable in her own skin, who winds up on the outside in a way she never dreamed possible - as a ghost. Will is handsome, athletic and popular and finds himself freaked out as he gets to know Penny, a person no one else can see.

What I love about the story is that you are constantly trying to guess what will happen next. Is she really a ghost? Is she in a coma? Is she dead? Is Will dead too? It's sort of how you felt watching "The Sixth Sense" before you found out the ending and could never watch it again.

If you take public transportation to work or are about to go on a big trip, this should absolutely be your travel book. It will suck you in and make you forget about the loud person talking on their cell phone or the unexpected flight delay.

The best part is that Stephanie has given you multiple ways to enjoy the book. You can get it on Amazon, you can download it on Smashwords, you can read all about it on GoodReads or you can follow her on her blog, Stephanie's Bookmark.

I hope you'll all support Stephanie by ordering or downloading a copy of the book.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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