Grey's Anatomy: What If

When I first heard about the premise for this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy, I was intrigued. I think over the past nine seasons we've all had a lot of questions. I know my most burning question always was - what if Ellis and the Chief actually got together? Tonight we got the chance to see what that would look like in relation to Ellis, the Chief, Meredith and Lexie.

I have to admit, Ellis was a lot more likable when she was with the Chief. She was still a horrible mother to Meredith, but at least we got to see another side to her. The most shocking part of this particular "what if" story line was when Meredith was crying on the Chief's shoulder and then a few moments later, with the same posture, facial expression and whimper, Ellis was doing the same. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

In this "what if" universe Alex and Meredith are engaged and Alex seems to be . . . happy!

Watching him behave this way made me realize how much energy goes into Justin Chambers' job every single week to act annoyed, pissed off and brooding all the time. I am only now realizing how deep his frown lines are going to be. Also, can we all agree those black, wide rimmed glasses looked ridiculous on him?

Dr. Kepner is avoiding Charlie in the "what if" world which is creepy because he is dead. I also found it weird that Alex and Kepner hooked up, ruining his engagement to Meredith. No matter the universe, Kepner would never do that.

My favorite make over this hour was Cristina! When she walked in to the song "Ruby Blue" (which I love!) I was cheering. I loved her fierce, bang-centric, hair cut and how cut throat she was. That scene where she was eating lunch alone and mock stitching a banana was hilarious.

I was surprised to see Kate Walsh back as Addison. I never liked her character. In this hour she was fighting for Derek's attention and revealing to him her affair with Mark. Minus the pregnancy, this feels more like deja vu than "what if."

I must admit, at the end, I loved when Meredith said to Derek, "We call you McDreary." Ha! Nice tweak.

I was a bit confused how Callie and Hunt would ever be married. I didn't quite buy into that. I did however love the quick reference to Teddy. Well done, writers.

I thought Callie looked stunning this episode. I wish she was styled this way all the time!

It took the friend I was watching with gasping, "Is that Lexie?" for me to realize Lexie was the tattooed girl who came in from the ambulance. Given all the hardships in Lexie's life, this "what if" scenario was actually 100 percent believable.

Last we have Dr. Bailey. Watching Dr. Bailey behave like a mouse was shocking! Bailey is one of my favorite characters for her brassiness and when she doesn't have that, she doesn't have anything. It was so strange to see her with that hair do! It really transported her to nerdville. I was hoping Ben would make an appearance in this "what if" world, but he never did.

Though they each received a small mention, both Izzy and George were noticeably absent from this episode. In the case of George I was actually glad, as I don't think I could have handled that. I am still recovering from his death.

What did you think of the "what if" world? Did you like tonight's episode?

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Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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