Gossip Girl: Crash

Tonight's episode of Gossip Girl was incredibly dramatic! It almost called for a Bachelor-like intro, "The Most Dramatic Gossip Girl EVER!"

First Lily plans a debutante ball for Charlie. She says, "You're never too old to be a debutante." So true, Lily, so true.

After being chased by the paparazzi, Blair decides not to ever leave her Upper East Side home. She proclaims, "This is New York! We can live off of take out for months!" This is the one thing New York City does better than anywhere else in the world - 24 hour delivery.

When Blair changes hideouts and heads to Dan's loft in Brooklyn, Dan tries to confess his love. He even goes so far as to say, "If I were the man you loved, I wouldn't care about raising another man's baby." My heart broke a little for Dan, knowing he wasn't even in the running.

This whole episode Max tries to take down Charlie, with little success. Then Max forms an alliance with Tripp who is feeling particularly scorned by grandfather and Nate. The Tripp/Max alliance, let's say it together, "Who cares!"

Towards the end of the hour, Chuck finally fights for Blair!

Nate helps them escape into a car in the garage under Charlie's party. The camera then focuses on a puddle under the car. I wondered, "Are you suppose to believe that is foreshadowing for a car accident?"

After the commercial break, motorcycles started chasing Blair and Chuck's car and they crashed. I thought two things right away - 1) that car was intended for Nate and 2) Blair is going to lose the baby.

In the final scene, at the hospital, Lily announces that Blair is doing ok, but Chuck is in critical condition. At that same moment Charlie calls Carol to say she is leaving and Diana receives a call from Jack Bass. What is happening?!

In previews for the next episode (which is apparently Monday January 16th) the whole gang is praying Chuck. Gossip Girl writers, if you can hear me, you cannot kill Chuck. Chuck is the reason I watch this show. He is my dream man and he must wake up.

See you in 2012, Upper East Siders! xoxo.

*Images courtesy of CW.com.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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