Gossip Girl: Bad Moves Galore

This week's Gossip Girl episode left me completely irritated. Let's begin with Little J pretending she's a badass. If you've been watching the show since the start you know Jenny pulled this once before when she ran away, quit school and tried work full time at Eleanor Waldorf's atelier. Jenny, it didn't work then, and your scheme to become drug dealer Damien's blond, trophy girlfriend isn't going to work either!

I was also repulsed by the hook up between Dan and Vanessa. Seriously? We pitied Vanessa when she pined for Dan, and now its just all wrong. I'd rather have him back with Georgina. At least she was unpredictable. And what is going on with Dan's unruly, curly mess of a hair do? No, no and no.

While I appreciated Serena and Nate's steamy kitchen love scene, overall, Serena was whiny and annoying the entire episode. We get it, you want to meet your father. Naturally, now that she left him a voicemail announcing she's moving on, he will show up. Enter, Billy Baldwin, stage left.

Speaking of surprise guests, where are Eric and Dorota?

The one bright spot in this episode? Blair Waldorf. Not only was she incredibly loving and supportive to Chuck as he learned his mother is in fact alive (hello, daytime soap story line) but her black outfit with the beaded neckline and black and gold patterned skirt? Flawless.

In previews for next week apparently Jenny decides to lose her virginity to Damien (excellent idea) and Lily and Rufus finally reconcile.

Need more GG? Check out the always side-splitting New York Magazine Daily Intel Recap.

Also, if you were wondering what that amazing song was last night toward the end of the episode, it was One Republic's "Secrets." You're welcome.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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