Grey's Anatomy: The Rule

Can I just say, again, how happy I am that Grey's Anatomy is back? My Thursday nights were simply incomplete without our Seattle Grace gang.

Tonight the episode started with some very steamy scenes between Alex and Jo and Owen and his new lady friend (from The Mighty Ducks).

A few minutes in, we learn Meredith has been sex starving Derek. I died laughing when she said, "You went back on your promise. I can't sleep with a man who is a lying liar."

Over at Callie and Arizona's house, Callie gives Arizona an enormous sapphire ring as a token of their fresh start. It was practically the size of the Hope diamond!

At the hospital everyone is a buzz with the new rule: no relationships at work. Jo publicly calls out Stephanie and screams, "You realize you just made my relationship illegal?!" The Chief is taking a different approach. He tells the group, "The board did you a favor with this new rule. You're going to take all the brain power you used to devote to penises and vaginas and put it to good use."

About half way through the episode, Cristina is at Meredith's house drinking wine and confiding in her about Owen. Since when are they on good terms again? Are we just supposed to believe they are BFFs again? Just like that?

Next thing we know, Cristina is at Owen's door at the trailer. She claims to be there to say "Congrats" on his decision to move in with Emma. Of course that lasts about two minutes and like magnets, they cling to each other. Oh lordy.

The next morning at the hospital, Emma tries to talk to Owen about looking at houses, the number of bedrooms, her hopes for kids, a good school district and not wanting to work. You could see his face drop as he thought about Cristina while she talked.

At the end of the episode Owen winds up breaking up with her. You know that he's going to tell Cristina and she's not going to be interested in him. Here we go again.

Toward the end of the hour, Jackson and Kepner reveal to the whole team that they got married. Later on, one of their patients asks Jackson on a date (in front of Kepner) and when he replies to say he's married, the patient says, "You know, you really should wear a ring. It's not fair, going around looking like that without one." Preach!

In the final scene of tonight's trip to Seattle, Derek announces he got the job with the White House. I am excited to see where this story line takes them.

Did anyone else notice the weird cover of Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" during the show? I did not like it one bit. Don't mess with a classic anthem.

In previews for next week, a baby is found in the trash at the hospital and tensions flare between Murphy and Arizona. Should be a good one!

*Image courtesy of ABC.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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