Grey's Anatomy: Sorry

After seeing the preview for tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy last week, I knew it was going to be an emotional one. Even just the hint that it would revolve around Callie and malpractice had me anticipating a heavy hour. Callie has been through so much on this show - losing George, losing Mark, Arizona losing her leg, the current break up - it's just been challenging for her. Like Bailey, she never seems to catch a break.

The episode starts with Callie shopping for pantyhose and having a total meltdown on the floor of the department store. The next day when she gets dressed for court she has to put her wedding ring back on (attorney's advice) and you can just see it's killing her.

In the courtroom she is seated and then we hear the court room doors open, but we don't see anything at first. The camera slows pans back toward the door and then we see him. The patient. In a wheelchair.

And wait for it . . .

He has no legs.

Through a series of flashbacks we learn that the patient, Travis, was an Olympic snowboarder and came to Callie looking for a hip replacement. He wanted an experimental procedure and she was hesitant, but after Travis gave a hell of a pep talk, she agreed.

During the flashbacks we see that Travis' wound became severely infected. Thanks Shonda and team for that graphic visual. Over time his leg turned gray, then after another surgery both his legs turned black. Again, so graphic.

It is only during these flashbacks that we learn for the first time that Callie and Arizona were trying to have a baby. Before the cheating, they wanted to have a baby and Arizona was going to carry it. She even got pregnant (per the test she took in their home bathroom) but then during her first ultrasound appointment, she found out she lost the baby.

Later on in the show, we see Callie and Arizona talking about trying again and Arizona screams, "I can't take another loss. I just can't."

Back in present day, Callie's dad (who I will always think of as the hotel manager from Pretty Woman) arrives in Seattle to support her. Callie winds up having to tell him that she and Arizona broke up and shockingly, he encourages her to give Arizona another chance.

The day of the verdict, Callie and Meredith arrive to Callie's apartment and she finds an envelope poking out from behind the bookcase. It's the data from the experimental trial she was trying to get before operating on Travis. The letter says they ceased the trial because several patients developed serious infections. At that moment, I thought I was going to throw up. This show has such a way of gripping your heart and then squeezing. Hard.

Meredith convinces Callie not to share this letter with the court. They head back for the final verdict and all the doctors from Grey Sloan Memorial come, even the Chief. After her compelling, tear filled testimony, Callie is found not guilty.

In the final two minutes of the episode Callie heads to Arizona's hotel room and asks her to come home. While Arizona is standing in the door frame, you get the sense she is hiding something (or someone) behind the door. Sure enough, there is Dr. Murphy wrapped in a sheet. Arizona simply says to her, "You should get dressed and leave." Ouch!

In the previews for next week, it looks like the simmering chemistry between Shane and Cristina might actually turn into something! I love when Grey's goes sexy and funny instead of serious and anxious producing.

Are you with me? Do you think Shane and Cristina should hook up?

*Images courtesy of ABC


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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