Grey's Anatomy: Run

Tonight's episode of "Grey's Anatomy" took place on the day of Bailey and Ben's wedding. The episode begins with Bailey beating around the bush about asking Callie and Meredith to be her bridesmaids. Can you imagine a friend of yours saying, "Hey, so when you get to the wedding, just don't sit down."

Lizzie (Neve Campbell) is in town to donate her nerves for Derek's hand surgery. She rides Meredith hard about never letting her and her family spend any time with Zola. After the surgery, when Lizzie is recovering, Meredith tries to make peace by showing Lizzie her ultrasound picture. At least she showed someone. I think it's so sad Meredith assumes she is going to lose this baby.

While getting ready for the wedding, Arizona tells Callie she doesn't want to go because she can't wear heels with her prosthetic leg. At first Callie is very cute with her and it seems their relationship is finally getting back to normal. However, when Arizona threatens to not go to the wedding, Callie flips out on her, ranting and raving about wanting their life to be about something other than the leg.

At the hospital, Cristina confronts Owen about why he really wants to get divorced. Earlier in the day Meredith spilled the beans about Owen wanting a divorce so Cristina and the gang could win more money during the trial. Cristina asks Owen about it directly and he admits to her that he chose the cheaper charter company. You can see the guilt all over his face and you watch her realize why he asked her to sign the papers. She then sheepishly admits she wants to give their marriage another try. Much to my surprise, Owen kisses her!

Just before the wedding Bailey is in her dress, ready to drive herself to the ceremony, when the chief pulls up in a black stretch limo to pick her up. Too cute. While they are in the limo he gets a call that Adele is in the ER coughing up blood. Bailey demands that the driver turn around.

When they get to the ER, the doctors won't let the chief treat his own wife, so Bailey steps in. She has one of the nurses helped her out of her dress and she takes her veil right off. Choosing medicine over your man? Bad move, Bailey.

I have to say, in this scene Adele seemed to know exactly who the chief was, which is inconsistent with her story line. She usually doesn't remember who he is.

In the final scene of the episode, Ben walks into the bridal suite and overhears Callie telling the girls that Bailey was nervous all day. His eyebrows furrow and he asks, "How nervous?" And scene.

In previews for the next episode (which won't be until January 10th) we see Jackson hooking up with one of the interns, Callie and Arizona reigniting their sex life and Ben asking Bailey "Do you love me?" It's going to be an interesting start to 2013!

*Images courtesy of TVFanatic.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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