90210: Make It Work

I wasn't able to watch 90210 last week because I was in Miami at my parents' place and they don't have DVR. This week, I bring you a double dose of 9-0!

Last week:

Naomi spends most of this episode hurling herself at Austin who is not only resisting, but pushing her away. When she storms onto the patio in her lingerie and says to the girls, "How tired does one have to be to resist this?" I just about died. By the end of the hour we learn Austin is upset because his parents are getting divorced and he's afraid no relationship can last. Now it's all becoming clear.

Speaking of clarity, Silver has an ah-ha moment when she realizes that the English professor is in fact attracted to her. Perhaps she couldn't see it at first from underneath her ugly hat! I must admit, I did not see that kiss coming! This actor reminds me of the actor who played Miranda's Weight Watchers buddy on Sex and the City.

This episode Ivy and Raj have some pretty brutal moments. First Raj implies Ivy only married him because he was dying, then Raj finds out his cancer is back and finally, in a ridiculous move, Raj decides to try and push Ivy away to protect. Dude! We just saw Navid try to do this, it does not work out for anyone! You are not sparing Ivy any pain, you are only making it worse.

The return of Liam's mom was totally unnecessary. Not sure why the writers tossed that in there.

At the end of the hour Dixon comes clean to the gang about his drug use and simultaneously Annie creates a new lie about Marla's inheritance. What is it with these siblings? One always has to be in trouble?


At the start of tonight's episode Liam is hired to play a vampire at a tween's birthday party. Hilarious!

Later in the hour Liam serves as Holly's runway model. He looked just like Zoolander!

When Naomi took the runway she looked like a Bratz doll.

Also this hour, Naomi's new boss is Holly's mom? This is going to be interesting for sure.

This episode Annie works hard to once and for all resolve the Marla inheritance issues. Her lawyer lets her know she needs to have Marla's necklace in order to have a strong case. Naturally we find out Jeremy, Marla's grandson, bought the necklace. How hot is Jeremy? I mean, really. Did you see those arms?

This week Dixon partied with a bunch of rock stars and sampled Adriana's new music while he DJ-ed an after party. Is he going to steal her music?

This is the second episode in a row where Silver is wearing a hideous hat. What say you, stylists?

At the close of the hour, Teddy and Shane drove off into the sunset together. One Republic's "Good Life" added extra emotion to the scene.

In previews for next week Patrick asks Annie to Hawaii, Silver's professor crush confesses he has a wife and Naomi catches Austin with Holly! Oh boy, here we go!

*Images courtesy of CW.com.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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