Gossip Girl: Espionage

This week on the Upper East Side Damien returned! I'm not quite sure why he keeps being brought back into the picture, but he is easy on the eyes, so I'm alright with it. I think it's the hair.

Eric is falling down the rabbit hole, which is depressing. He is always left behind. I hate that Damien is about to use him to take down Ben.

Speaking of Ben, apparently he'll be joining us for a while. Of course Serena is chasing him (pathetic) and now Rufus is helping Ben by letting him stay at the loft in Brooklyn. I find this whole storyline creepy.

Almost as creepy as the Thorpe versus Bass Industries drama. Nate tries to get his dad fired from Thorpe, Chuck wants to sleep with Thorpe's daughter and Thorpe's daughter wants to sleep with anyone she can. Trouble, all around.

Also, it is not at all believable that Chuck Bass would chase a woman after seeing her with another man. No way.

The best part of this week's episode was Blair and Dan's competition for number one intern at W Magazine. I think they have great chemistry, though I don't want them to hook up.

In previews for next week Blair tries to push Nate on her boss, Epperly, to loosen her up. Here we go, more scheming!

Before we part ways for the week Upper East Siders, was it just me, or were Gossip Girl's winter/January/flu season themed lines all completely lame tonight? Step it up, GG writing team!


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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