Grey's Anatomy: Once Upon A Time Over Crispy Puffs

This week's episode of Grey's Anatomy was pretty much a total snooze fest, minus one touching moment between Alex and Meredith. After a rough couple of days with his brother in town, Alex was feeling haunted by his family's past. After Derek proposed that he and Meredith have a baby, she too was spooked by memories of her own terrible childhood. In the final 10 minutes of the episode, Meredith comes home, joins Alex on the couch with a box of Crispy Puffs and she says, "You're nothing like your father." Alex smiles and replies, "and you are nothing like your mother. And you'd make a great one." Awwwww!

In other developments, Callie and Arizona are going to talk about the kid issue (hello, Splitsville), Derek's assistant has a crush on him, Teddy still has feelings for Owen, Cristina is trying to hand hold Owen while he works through his "dark place" and Mark's daughter has reappeared and is in labor.

Let's hope next week's installment brings a little bit more sunshine, a little less doom and gloom.

In the meantime, check out this week's very revealing Grey's writers blog. Some cool facts in this post about how they finalize the script for each episode.


Molly Galler

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