Gossip Girl: Daddy Dearest

This week on Gossip Girl the elusive Dr. William Van der Woodsen finally appeared! Serena's quest for Daddy came to an end when she discovered him treating Lily in Florida. Treating her for what you ask? Cancer, but of course.

Now, for those who read my post last week, you may recall my college friend and fellow GG addict actually called this plot twist (Lily having a terminal illness)! This week, she is predicting that Lily and William have made up Lily's illness in order to break her and Rufus apart so she can leave Rufus and reunite with William. Thoughts?

Overall I think William seems like a shady character. Rufus is my trust barometer; if he hates someone then I know they are bad news. This was confirmed during the final scene when William is on the phone ordering more drugs for Lily's "treatment." I am guessing he is treating her with experimental drugs that are going to have long term side effects.

This hour Jenny continued to shamelessly hurl herself at Nate. This plot line was old the day it began and bothers me exponentially more each week.

Also bothersome this week: the Vanessa/Dan/Willa triangle. Anyone else over Dan? And Vanessa for that matter? Let's give Willa some more screen time. Perhaps as a new nemesis for Blair?

And speaking of Blair, my heart broke when she was unpacking her "Chuck" memory box and we flashed back to the night they first fell in love. Ouch. I do secretly hope they reunite. We waited so long to see their relationship fully blossom.

Peeves this episode - why does Eric keep disappearing? Why did William imply he and Lily used to live in the condo together when we all know she moved into that place with Bart Bass?

Spoiler photos indicate we have a gala coming next week (Upper East Side gala? No way!). Check out the latest round of couture:

Need more GG? Read this week's side splitting recap from New York Magazine's Daily Intel.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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