Grey's Anatomy: Your Heart Lives in Your Vagina

Crass? Yes. Brilliant? Yes. With this one line from Meredith to Lexi, Grey's Anatomy returned to the original spirit we all fell in love with 6 seasons ago. I think we can all join together and shout, "Finally!"

This week's episode had all the components of a perfect Grey's hour: scandalous hook ups, On-call room quickies, Meredith/Cristina banter, Cristina in fierce competition mode, Derek/Sloan bromantic moments and of course, frightening, high pressure surgeries.

This episode focused on a new patient to the hospital, Harper Avery. Harper is a world renown physician who has a medical award named after him (which Cristina covets) and also happens to be Jackson's grandfather! Meredith and Jackson bond over being genetically linked to famous figures. Cute.

Sloan decides to lick his wounds with as many women as possible, including the daughter of a patient! Meanwhile, Lexi seeks comfort with Alex (if comfort is defined by feeling numb, they both agree).

In a touching side story, Arizona decides to take Teddy under her wing and help her get over Hunt. She organizes a girls night and in the final scene of the episode all the ladies are together at the baseball field, hitting balls and drinking beer. Perfect.

A photo has surfaced with a GIANT spoiler for next week - Bailey and the sexy anesthesiologist share their first kiss! How can you not root for Bailey?

Also check out this delicious treat from the blog Television Without Pity, which lists the Grey's Anatomy stories gone awry. The post is called "Grey's Anatomy: Dramatic Malpractice."

Need more dirt on this week's "return to glory" episode? Check out the Grey's Writers Blog on which sheds some interesting light and hints to fun plot twists ahead.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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