Grey's Anatomy: The Orange Invasion

Last season I wrote about Grey's Anatomy after each week's episode, but so far this new season has left a little something to be desired. And, let's face it, I am still mourning the loss of George. That final scene of last year's season finale still gives me goose bumps and makes my heart pound.

This week's episode felt like the Grey's of old. The show that made us laugh, made us cry and left us itching to discuss our favorite moments with fellow fans the following morning. As Seattle Grace merges with Mercy West, everyone is afraid of the next round of lay offs.

Cristina has reached the breaking point. With no cardio specialist to mentor her, she has lost her way and she finally breaks down to Meredith. Cristina sobs and chokes out her words about her lack of direction. Meredith doesn't respond verbally, but instead motions for Cristina to come lay next to her. She snuggles Cristina nice and close and just turns on the trash TV. It was the perfect "dark and twisty" scene between the two unlikely best friends.

Lexi gets a great story line this episode where she is pitted against a nervous Mercy West resident. Lexi's patient takes a liking to her and helps her get ahead by stealing the other resident's notebook. Goody goody Lexi plays dirty and its fun to watch. Her boyfriend, Sloan, was MIA this episode, but I barely noticed.

Izzie is working with a Mercy West resident named Charlie for the day who seems to be the only good guy in orange scrubs. Turns out he is using Izzie for all the inside information. Did not see that one coming!

In the wake of the merger the chief decides to let Izzie go. She is too much of a liability given her past (hello, Denny) and her current medical condition. When the chief is explaining his reasons to Izzie, he starts to say, "And Karev said," and then Izzie cuts him off and storms out. Izzie assumes Alex told the chief she isn't strong enough, but really he told him Izzie has nothing else in her life but this job. YIKES! Izzie winds up leaving Alex a note saying she's going and not coming back. Oh boy.

There was a lot of great drama this week, but the best scene was between Arizona and Callie's dad. Callie's dad came to Seattle with their family priest to try and convince her its not right to be gay. Arizona winds up talking to him one-on-one and giving one of the best speeches in Grey's history. Bravo, Shonda Rhimes!

It seems the addition of the Mercy West crew has breathed some new life into our Thursday nights and I'm looking forward to seeing the two sets of staff continue to duke it out. In the words of Pat Benatar, "hit me with your best shot!"

Want to learn more about each Grey's episode? Read the writer's blog on


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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