Gossip Girl: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Last night, I sat on the edge of my couch waiting for the return of my favorite Upper East Side socialites (you know you love them, xoxo), but I must say, I was disappointed.

Before diving into the many missteps, let's acknowledge some winning moments:

1) Serena's peach dress at the polo match. Perfection. Somehow more beautiful atop a horse. Go figure.
2) Blair's pink hat/sea foam green dress combo for the polo match. Perfectly preppy, perfectly Blair.

3) The Jenny/Eric sibling relationship.
4) Bree Buckley. Great compliment to Nate, great disdain from his family. Oh how I love a family feud!

Now, onto the let down that was the majority of this premiere:

First, what is going on with Dan, Vanessa and Nate's hair? Dan's hair is wavy, Vanessa has some kind of dread lock thing going on, and Nate is over using his comb and hair gel. No, no, no.

Secondly, it is creepy that Scott is kissing Vanessa and complimenting Rufus' long defunct rock band only to eventually reveal his true intentions (in an explosive way, no doubt).

Where the hell is Lily? Really, she is going to leave Rufus to run the whole blended family alone? Unlikely.

And why must Chuck and Blair already be having problems? Did we not go through enough in the first two seasons to warrant at least one episode of relationship bliss? More grand gestures, less games please.

And after all that build up, all episode long, the big secret is that Serena is looking for her father? WE ALREADY KNEW THAT! What an anti-climactic final scene!

At least we have next week to look forward to when the kiddies head off to college for roommate drama. There's nothing like it.

Need more dish? Check out the side side splitting recaps from New York Magazine's Daily Intel and Gawker.com.


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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