Rental Review: What Doesn't Kill You

This week my loyal and thoughtful boyfriend Netflix delivered to me another fantastic piece of cinematic gold. A drama starring Mark Ruffalo and Ethan Hawke in a story about the true life of Boston's Brian Goodman.

This film, like the many other dramas shot and centered around life in South Boston (Good Will Hunting, The Departed, Gone Baby Gone), was gritty, heart breaking and involved some actors who just couldn't grasp the Boston accent.

The film, titled "What Doesn't Kill You", focuses on two childhood best friends devoted to each other and a life of crime. They face danger, challenge neighborhood dons, and eventually keep each other sane while in prison. Their relationship is truly tested post-prison when one decides to stay on the straight and narrow, while the other returns to his old ways.

Mark Ruffalo, playing the lead character, gave an authentic and compelling performance. I have always felt he was underrated in the Hollywood community, and this film demonstrates yet again why he deserves title roles.

His best friend is portrayed by my 8th grade celebrity crush, Ethan Hawke. I first saw him in Reality Bites, then Gattaca and Great Expectations, falling in love with his good looks and tormented characters more and more with each film. With this film he continued the tradition of playing someone troubled from behind a handsome face. His bromantic chemistry with Mark Ruffalo is convincing and endearing.

For me, the best part of the movie was actually watching the special features on the DVD, particularly the "Making Of" special. The movie was written and directed by Brian Goodman. The movie is about his personal life growing up in South Boston, his marriage, his children, his drug addictions, his time in prison and his attempt to get straight.

Brian got help with the script from fellow Boston native Donnie Whalberg, who is featured in the film as well. Listening to Brian talk about why this was important, what inspired him, and how grateful he was for an all star cast made the movie have a much stronger impact. A big thank you to my mother for turning me onto DVD special features!

"What Doesn't Kill You" is The Departed meets the Shawshank Redemption, with two superb actors at its core. Ladies, this is a perfect movie rental to enjoy with your boyfriend. Emotional for the girls, violent for the boys. Check out the rave review from the New York Times.

What are you waiting for? Go see what made them stronger!


Molly Galler

Welcome to Pop.Bop.Shop. My name is Molly. I’m a foodie, fashionista, pop culture addict and serious travel junkie. I’m a lifelong Bostonian obsessed with frozen confections, outdoor patios, Mindy Kaling, reality television, awards shows, tropical vacations, snail mail and my birthday.

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